
12 avril
The Karminsky Experience, british duet Djs
super trendy. Oldies,
60’s kitsch, oddities,
incredible strange sounds... Poison
at 23h00Dj Morpheus,
a legend of the independant european scene. He was the
leader of Minimal Compact, now he's
producer and Dj… He'll spin an
eclectic set (breakbeat, funk,
hip-hop, down tempo). Kult at
11 avril
Altermedia Festival devoted to
electroacoustic, interactive
music and multimedia.
Refresh your ears! With
Rob Malender, Günther Gessert. Centre Dom
at 7.30pm
9 avril
Second hand band is a Russian combo fusionning various
styles, as they say: jungle-dub, ambient –
reggae, dub-hope. Well that's cooool
to hear it at 16 tons.
4 april
Notchnoï Prospekt celebrates on stage its 20th
anniversary of electro-industrial performances. Don't
miss this legendary act! Mukha at
22 march
David Carretta, from the best ever techno label
'Gigolo Rec' will perform with his friend from Britain, Ido.
live-act electro-techno. Club MIO at
21 march
Volga at Projekt O.G.I at
David Carretta, the most eclectic French DJ, spins
electro techno at
club MIO at 11pm
14 march
The Hacker (France) will play a furious electro DJ set
like only he can do. Mio at 1am
Ole Loukoye. One of the best
Russian electronic combo. Red Club at
Volga. Club Mukha at 9pm
16 january: The
Beatles back in Moscou !!! The
cream of the new Russian electro scene remixes The Legendary Fours.
Feat Brothers in Mind, Zoom.ra & others. B2, 21h.
27 December: Grom is a Austrian
band playing a cool electro and weird music. Two dandies filled with
scepticism and irony will perform some unusual dance music for the
first time in Moscow. Club MIO, 11pm
19 December: Volga, the
highly interesting ethno-electro side-project of Alexei Borisov,
will perform following the release of the band's new album called
"Vypei do dna" on the Exotica
label at the club Zapasnik. 9pm.
10 December: Wim
Mertens, the famous Belgian minimalist composer will perform his
work at the piano, including his most famous pieces composed for
Peter Greenaway's movie "the belly of the architect". Centre
28 November: Death
In June for the first time in Russia at club Tochka. DIJ is the
legendary British band that originated the "Dark Folk"
scene, a weird mix of Leonard Cohen and industrial
music. Line-up includes leader Douglas Pearce and drummer John
Murphy. More
27 November : Dapsy and Stepanida Borisova
come from Yakutsk. They managed to create a new Siberian folklore,
at the crossroad between local ethnic musics and the most mystic
part of Western Rock Music. Centre
27 November: Dr. Tikov and Astral Space Dub
performs at 16 tons. There's something like a mystical sound
and atmosphere in his set that greatly enhance the experience. More
24 November : Journey through Russian music's
history with the talented singer Sergei Starostin, Andreï Kotov -
leader of the excellent Sirin
ensemble, and Leonid Fedorov. 3 specialists of Ancient
traditional music who conceived a magical trip that you can
only enjoy at the Centre
23 November : Noisy Funk by the Russian combo
God Os featuring Andrei Solovyev et Ivan Solokovksy. The first is a
talented multi instrumentist influenced by Jazz as well as
Industrial Music. The second is a long-time member of Notchnoi
Propekt and Ya-Tkha bands. Centre
22 November : Mini opera with absurd inluences
called "Sunday visit to the psychoanalyst" by Anatoli
Pereslegin and Alexander Shaverdyan. Centre
22 November: Unicycleman
is a German trio that plays experimental music. They are influenced
by cinema directors like Kubrick, but jazz, post-rock and
electronica lovers will find familiar sounds in Unicycleman's music.
Club MIO.
17 November: Industrial
Music Festival at club Tochka with Bad Sector (Italie),
Troum (Germany), Reutoff and Misery (Russia).
16 November: The French DJ Philippe Sorti performs
House Music at Shambala-bar.
16 November: Benzo will perform in Centre
Dom. Other live acts are Pomassl, Alois Huber and Philipp
15 November: F.R.U.I.T.S.
will perform at Muha
Club. Other live acts are Pomassl, Alois Huber and Philipp
14 November : Gonzales,
the most famous prankster of the electro-cabaret scene, performs for
the first time in Moscow. Club
12 November: Funki Porcini, On Lee and Gatec from Ninja Tune
Label are the cream of today's Beak Beat, Funk and House scene. Club
10 November: The famous Russian artist & performer German
Vinogradov presents his curious musical project based on primary
elements : earth, wind & fire. No joke. Helped by 8 performers
and much more unusual instruments, Vinogradov performs unforgettable
improvisations. Centre
09 November: Paris best House DJ, Charles Schillings, is back in
town for the great pleasure of the die-hard core of Moscow's
clubbers. Club Jet-Set.
02 November: From Rajastan (Western India) comes this wonderful
gypsy band called Maharajah. Their groovy and spiritual Sufi music
raves the audience. Moreover, the musicians are pure virtuosi and
great entertainers, helped also by two dancers. Centre
Dom |

December, Volga
issued a formidable new album mixing as usual
traditional ancestral music with techno grooves. Angela Manukjan
's voice fills the mind with fairy images
while the body is forced to dance. Vypei do dna means Bottoms up
so you can imagine that the whole album conveys positive
thoughts and invitations to enjoy life through various means,
including "Konopa" aka hemp. It gives fresh air to the Russian
Soul. Plus there are real hits in this album. The secret
history of Russia's party spirit is revealed at last! |
"Astral Space Dub",
is the last album of
Dr Tikov,
the Russian son of Lee Perry. While most dub-addicts focus on
the Carribean sound, Dr Tikov grabs elements from India's music,
which are refreshing. Sitar, tabla, voices go along with heavy
electronic bass and effects. Highly danceable and trancey.
Tell Tchaikovsky the news 6
presents some of the most promising Russian acts from the Exotica
label. Although anything but experimental, this sampler
manages to include most of today's electronica trends. From
the veterans of Novye Kompository (nearly 30 years of
existence) to Jeune Homme (whose leader is barely 17 y.o. ),
there is a wide range of styles and talents. Nothing
revolutionary but a must for Easy Listening fans. The
Minimokik track is especially worthy with its ultra naive and
catchy melodies. Nuclear Los shows here a excellent sound
quality and creativity. Listening
White Nights, Anton
Nikkila's last work , is a masterpiece made of concrete
sounds, electronic noises and unpredictable samples. It
was recorded Live in Helsinki and features the voice of Alexei
Borisov. Listening